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Flexxy dog cages

We are proud that ALL Flexxy dog cages and ALL production takes place in one and the
same factory in Sweden (in-house) in a Swedish-owned factory with a collective agreement. Sustainable for the future, no unnecessary transport or unsafe conditions.

Flexxy smartest Swedish-made dog cage on the market!
Flexxy dog cage a hassle-free dog cage for dogs in the car.
Thanks to the fact that Flexxy dog cages have a two-part door, you can have it for many, many years regardless of car.
Flexxy dog cages fit in cars regardless of whether the car has a threshold or not in the car's luggage compartment. Of course, the Flexxy cages are designed to be placed on which side you want in the car's luggage compartment, which is done when the cage is mounted. If you regret it, just turn the cage and reassemble the door. No extra screws are needed, you replace the existing ones with only one tool. Flexxy dog cages are a dog cage with FOUR variants all for a long life and reuse in their next car (the dog is about 9-12 years old most often and the average changes car every three years)
There is an emergency hatch if the door is blocked or if the accident should occur.
Flexxy dog cage is for SUV, station wagon and semi-station wagon cars. This cage is intended to stand behind the rear seat.

* Excerpt from the crash test report RISE Research Institutes of Sweden on 2021-08-12:
Frontal crash test of a dog cage has been performed according to ECE Regulation No. 17 Rev.5, deceleration pulse.
Flexxy dog cage medium loaded with a 25 kg dog doll is placed in front of a simulated back seat. The dog cage was mounted with four lashing straps directly on the rigid sled. The crash test was performed in the forward direction of the vehicle at 48.9 km / h, approximately ≥ 20 g pulse and a duration of 30 ms.
Some permanent deformations occurred in the back of the dog cage during the test, but did not increase the risk of injury in a collision. The prescribed load was kept inside the dog bag during the test and the front gate remained closed and it was possible to open and evacuate after the test.

Flexxy bumper protection anti-slip 60x80cm

Rek pris: 33,40 €
In stock.

Flexxy dog cage XSmall

Rek pris: 430,55 €
In stock.

Flexxy dog cage Small

Rek pris: 459,26 €
In stock.

Flexxy dog cage Medium

Rek pris: 526,25 €
In stock.

Flexxy dog cage Medium wide

Rek pris: 526,25 €
In stock.

Flexxy dog cage Large

Rek pris: 573,24 €
In stock.

Flexxy dog cage double Small

Rek pris: 765,12 €
In stock.

Flexxy dog cage double Medium

Rek pris: 860,82 €
In stock.

Flexxy strap / Load strap 2-pack

Rek pris: 3,78 €
In stock.

Flexxy gas damper for S, M, L and DS, DM

Rek pris: 18,66 €
In stock.

Flexxy locking piston with 2 keys (complete)

Rek pris: 17,70 €
In stock.

Flexxy smartaste svensktillverkade hundburen på marknaden!

Säkerhetstestade hundburar

*Utdrag från krocktest rapporten RISE Research Institutes of Sweden den 2021-08-12:
Frontalt krocktest av en hundbur har utförts enligt ECE -föreskrifter nr 17 Rev.5, retardationspuls.
Flexxy hundbur medium lastad med en 25 kg hund docka placerades framför ett simulerat baksäte. Hundburen monterades med fyra surrband direkt på den styva släden. Krocktestet utfördes i fordonets körriktning framåt med 48,9 km/h, cirka ≥ 20 g puls och en varaktighet på 30 ms.
Vissa permanenta deformationer inträffade i den bakre delen av hundburen under testet, men ökade inte risken för skador vid en kollision. Den föreskrivna lasten hölls inne i hundkassen under testet och den främre grinden förblev stängd och var möjlig att öppna och evakuera efter testet.